Address a problem with an environmentally friendly, yet economically feasible solution.

Idea by Anonymous

Farmers who have little or no other choice than continue with current non-sustainable grazing practices that are not beneficial to the environment can become stewards of degraded common land and work on restoring ecosystem function in it, but stop the farming activities in question. The farmer would receive a salary in accordance with the subsidies he/she would have received continuing with the former activities. In a system where there is over-production of meat and subsidies payed be the government anyway, this could be a win-win solution.

Address a problem with an environmentally friendly, yet economically feasible solution.

Idea by Anonymous

Farmers who have little or no other choice than continue with current non-sustainable grazing practices that are not beneficial to the environment can become stewards of degraded common land and work on restoring ecosystem function in it, but stop the farming activities in question. The farmer would receive a salary in accordance with the subsidies he/she would have received continuing with the former activities. In a system where there is over-production of meat and subsidies payed be the government anyway, this could be a win-win solution.
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