Organize local clean-up events and promote other grassroot actions

Idea by Eemeli Mikkonen

Fellow citizens
Civil society
European Union
Host community clean-ups in parks, beaches, and neighborhoods, pairing environmental impact with social interaction to boost participation. When people take more ownership of their neighborhoods, they see that it is actually in their own hands for example how much litter there is. Promoting and supporting grassroot actions can also boost local participation, plus they are usually very cost-efficient (for example Tartu Toidujagamine and their foodsharing cupboards and Tartu Paranduskelder). Through grassroot level impact we can hope to spark a chain reaction, which then brings about larger system level changes through more optimistic atmosphere and innovations.

Organize local clean-up events and promote other grassroot actions

Idea by Eemeli Mikkonen

Fellow citizens
Civil society
European Union
Host community clean-ups in parks, beaches, and neighborhoods, pairing environmental impact with social interaction to boost participation. When people take more ownership of their neighborhoods, they see that it is actually in their own hands for example how much litter there is. Promoting and supporting grassroot actions can also boost local participation, plus they are usually very cost-efficient (for example Tartu Toidujagamine and their foodsharing cupboards and Tartu Paranduskelder). Through grassroot level impact we can hope to spark a chain reaction, which then brings about larger system level changes through more optimistic atmosphere and innovations.
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