Keep talking

Idea by Anonymous

Fellow citizens
Civil society
European Union
After decades worth of environmental „propaganda“ by governments, NGO´s and individuals it often sometimes seems like „nobody listens and nothing changes“. Of course it would be beneficial to always change everything right away, but that rarely happens. However, looking back, it is obvious that people´s environmental awareness has changed for the better. Whether it is recycling paper and plastic, eating less red meat or traveling less these are changes that are happening because someone, with the right attitude, said something. Pick the most clever ones and have them talk about environmental issues. Put them regularly on talk shows or interviews. Have them talk to children and teenagers. Children listen with eyes and ears open without preconditioned sceptisism that they learn from their elders. Teach them about soil and seeds – they love the stuff – and they are ready to get their hands dirty. Things are changing. Let´s not give up.

Keep talking

Idea by Anonymous

Fellow citizens
Civil society
European Union
After decades worth of environmental „propaganda“ by governments, NGO´s and individuals it often sometimes seems like „nobody listens and nothing changes“. Of course it would be beneficial to always change everything right away, but that rarely happens. However, looking back, it is obvious that people´s environmental awareness has changed for the better. Whether it is recycling paper and plastic, eating less red meat or traveling less these are changes that are happening because someone, with the right attitude, said something. Pick the most clever ones and have them talk about environmental issues. Put them regularly on talk shows or interviews. Have them talk to children and teenagers. Children listen with eyes and ears open without preconditioned sceptisism that they learn from their elders. Teach them about soil and seeds – they love the stuff – and they are ready to get their hands dirty. Things are changing. Let´s not give up.
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