How can we improve participation for the green transition?
The green transition can only succeed if it is supported and powered by the people, so how can we improve participation for the green transition? This is the central question of the PHOENIX project. Please participate in the PHOENIX project by sharing your ideas in response to this question by 31 January 2025.
Following this phase of crowdsourcing, an online panel will be organised to review the submitted ideas and make a prioritisation to be presented to European decision-makers as part of the project’s final conference in Brussels in June 2025. Want to participate in the online panel? Read more and express your interest via this form by 9 February 2025.
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50 results
For the most difficult challenges, it might be impossible to do something about them unless laws are changed and monetary incentives set up. For many people, the best and easiest way forward is to not change. Not changing means e.g. throwing all waste into the same bin and not separating the valuab...
Create a permanent European Green Assembly for citizens
There should be a standing Green Assembly at the EU level, made up of randomly selected citizens who meet twice a year to review and provide feedback on European Green Deal policies. Their recommendations should be formally considered by policymakers before laws are passed.
Encourage sustainable agricultural practices
Encouraging agricultural practices that sequester carbon, such as agroforestry and no-till farming.
Host interactive workshops, develop a "Green Tips" series, and celebrate and share success
Offer hands-on, practical workshops (e.g., DIY composting, repairing & upcycling, or urban gardening) to teach practical skills while fostering community connections. Share bite-sized, actionable tips via social media or newsletters (e.g., "Start using reusable bags for vegetables and fruits") to ma...
Organize local clean-up events and promote other grassroot actions
Host community clean-ups in parks, beaches, and neighborhoods, pairing environmental impact with social interaction to boost participation. When people take more ownership of their neighborhoods, they see that it is actually in their own hands for example how much litter there is. Promoting and supp...
Ensure that everyone is considered and involved in climate policies
Include under-represented groups and vulnerable communities in the planning and implementation of climate policies.
Promoting access to knowledge to combat disinformation
We need to combat disinformation, namely by: i) encouraging the creation and existence of platforms that verify information and facts and make this information available to citizens; ii) investing in the role of libraries, given their relationship with the community and the fact that they are alread...
Address a problem with an environmentally friendly, yet economically feasible solution.
Farmers who have little or no other choice than continue with current non-sustainable grazing practices that are not beneficial to the environment can become stewards of degraded common land and work on restoring ecosystem function in it, but stop the farming activities in question. The farmer would...
Communicating the impact of best practices
Taking climate change seriously require spreading awareness regarding the consequences of climate change. A more widespread awareness can be achieved through targeted and understandable communication. Communicating the impact of best practices (or the impact of not adopting them) can be a possible s...
Public and official entities must set an example in the ecological transition
Public and official entities set an example in the ecological transition, and provide clear guidelines for citizens and companies, supporting them in adopting more sustainable measures and actions. Public entities must be the first to adopt measures and actions for the ecological transition, and to...
Encourage and support companies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
To raise awareness and support companies in implementing robust monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for greenhouse gas emissions.
Creating networks for sharing resources/methodologies and experiences
- Set up a network of citizen participation coordinators at local level (e.g. metropolitan level). - Create common toolboxes with tools for : • Frame a participatory process • Tools for providing information • Tools for creating a discussion • Information sheets on key issues -Common toolbox...
Political decisions must be supported by scientific facts
There is a rise in radical and fundamentalist opinions and a strong influence of some dominant discourses. Access to scientific knowledge is limited, sometimes hosted on paid platforms, and information that lacks truth and rigour circulates more easily, particularly on social networks. We need to co...
Limit the consumption of natural and agricultural spaces
Urban sprawl, infrastructure development, concreting contribute to the artificialization of land which is one of the causes of biodiversity loss. This phenomenon must be combated by strengthening urban regulations, densifying and using urban wastelands, infrastructure, etc.
Define strategies that allow citizens time to participate
Participation requires time and availability, something that is lacking in today's society due to the demands of the labour market and the difficulty of reconciling professional and personal/family life. We therefore need to implement policies and strategies that enable participation. E.g.: i) a su...
Choosing adapted and accessible locations
The places where participatory events take place play a key role in engaging the public. Favouring local, familiar and convivial spaces fosters a climate of trust and greater proximity with participants. In addition, organising at least one meeting in a symbolic or decision-making location can reinf...
Circular Economy
Promoting the adoption of regenerative business models and practices that mitigate the risks associated with the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and the pollution caused by the current model.
Encouraging circular economy, short circuits and empowering citizens to adopt mitigation measures
We must encourage greater proximity to nature, but also empower citizens to adopt new behaviours and more sustainable lifestyles. For example, it is important to promote family farming and short production and consumption circuits, which have a recognised impact on the carbon footprint, and to provi...
Encourage green jobs
Create (re)training programmes and incentives for new green jobs.
Improve policies to integrate immigrants into the local community and promote their participation
It is necessary to combat stereotypes and prejudices that widen the gap between native residents and foreigners in the territories, and to encourage the participation of immigrants so that they are represented in the processes. It is therefore essential to demystify stereotypes and foster mutual und...
Turning participation into action: deploying networks of ambassadors
- Capitalise on participatory processes, offering former participants the opportunity to become ambassadors for the participatory processes and to take concrete action. - Develop a step-by-step support system to enable participants to become more autonomous, offering them training in project manage...
Consumer Health and Safety
Strengthen regulations on the use of hazardous substances in individual consumer products, including cosmetics, cleaning products, and kitchen/catering utensils. Develop transparent information systems about the origin, safety, and environmental impact of products. Encourage the use of safe and re...
Keep talking
After decades worth of environmental „propaganda“ by governments, NGO´s and individuals it often sometimes seems like „nobody listens and nothing changes“. Of course it would be beneficial to always change everything right away, but that rarely happens. However, looking back, it is obvious that peop...
Participation instead of inclusion
The goal should be people's participation in preparing, deciding and implementing changes. In participation, there are participants and participants, and the participant decides when, how and who to involve and what the conditions of involvement are, including the deadline for submitting proposa...
Public policies must promote the empowerment of citizens
Policies must promote the empowerment of citizens by informing, generating critical thinking. We need to educate people to participate as a way of exercising citizenship and build their confidence that their opinions count and are taken into account. In order to participate, people need to believe t...
Create a "green ambassadors" programme
Ordinary citizens who care about the environment could be trained to inform their communities about green policies and opportunities. They could help spread information and encourage participation in simple ways.
Create a permanent European Green Assembly for citizens
There should be a standing Green Assembly at the EU level, made up of randomly selected citizens who meet twice a year to review and provide feedback on European Green Deal policies. Their recommendations should be formally considered by policymakers before laws are passed.
Public policies should focus on the common good, making decisions that do not jeopardise the future
We need to sensitise local authorities and governments because the economy cannot take precedence over the health of people and the planet. We no longer want a development model that only favours economic growth, but one that also looks at the environmental and social aspects. Measures must be adopt...
More citizen assemblies at the local level
We need regular community meetings where everyday people can give input on local green projects (like bike lanes, energy efficiency, or recycling programs). These should be supported by municipalities and open to all.
Ensure a fair transition to low-carbon economy
Ensure that the transition to a low-carbon economy is fair, with support for workers and communities dependent on high-carbon industries.
Arch-Innovation as Climate Change Convenience Green Prefab Puzzle Pieces creating Living Roof-Garden
Arch-Innovation Arch-Innovation intends to get comfort with the Climate Change, based on minimizing the snow volume in Scandinavia. Therefore strongly recommend Architects and the Construction Industry to upgrade their design and products to invest in creating Lving Spaces in the forgotten or Unuse...
The approach must be flexible and adaptable
Participative processes must remain flexible and adapt to unforeseen circumstances and the specific needs of participants. Formats that are too rigid, such as top-down meetings or long presentations, should be avoided, particularly at sensitive times such as after lunch. Interactive and collaborativ...
Open data about the local impacts of climate change
Making data showing the impacts of climate change on local territories accessible for the general public can contribute to legitimate scientific knowledge on the climate crisis and spread awareness on this matter. Such communication activities should inasmuch as possible simple, understandable, and...
Raising awarness and educate citizens for environmental protection
Raising awareness and educating about the importance of safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity and the interdependence of people's well-being, the environment and the economy.
Build up a network of local citizen expertise
- Take the time to acculturate and train citizens in the issues associated with the ecological transition. - Trained citizens will develop local citizen expertise - Use different training methods to reach out to different types of people: • Training using participatory tools • Discussion of th...
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To inform clearly and using real data and facts about the importance of the green transition
Communicate clearly, transparently, effectively and positively the importance associated with the green transition, its benefits and opportunities, based on real cases and data that demonstrate this.
Introduce a "green citizenship score" for individuals and communities
Similar to credit scores, local governments could introduce a voluntary "Green Citizenship Score" that tracks participation in eco-friendly activities—like attending sustainability events, reducing energy use, or using public transport. High scores could come with small rewards (e.g., tax deductions...
When engaging, present different solution options with arguments for and against
When engaging, it is first necessary to explain what problem you want to solve. A problem is a contradiction between the actual and possible situation, i.e. a solution must be possible. When engaging, different solution options must be presented with arguments for and against. Those involved can als...
Engaging and rewarding participants
The ecological transition requires citizens to feel that they have a real say in decision-making. To achieve this, it is important to arouse their interest by promoting their contributions and making their voice visible to decision-makers. Depending on the context, it may be worthwhile paying them f...
Re-prioritise investment to support clean energy sources.
Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies and redirecting them towards clean energies. Invest in modern and resilient energy infrastructure, such as smart grids.
Make green transition discussions part of school programmes
Students should learn more about local climate policies and ways they can contribute. Schools could host debates and projects where young people can propose ideas and get feedback from local politicians.
Require citizen participation in major green infrastructure projects
Before launching big green projects (like wind farms or urban redevelopment), governments should be required to hold citizen deliberations where people can vote on key aspects—such as locations, funding priorities, or expected impacts.
Increase the green area
Combat deforestation and promote reforestation on a global scale.
Education policies must promote children as vehicles for change
It is important to ensure that children and young people are represented in the issues and decisions that concern their territories. To this end, education on the pressing issues of today's society must be introduced in schools, enabling the younger generations to be holders of information, stimulat...
Reducing traffic and pollution in urban areas
Improving the transport network to reduce traffic in cities, congestion, pollution in cities and people's stress.
Multiple participation mechanisms to extend citizens' power and decision-making
• Multiple approaches must be adopted to encourage citizen participation, moving away from conventional venues, events and mechanisms. People want to participate in spaces where they can be in community, away from the hustle and bustle of mass events, with their peers, and where participation is com...
Adapting planning tools to specific local circumstances
- Mobilise citizens who are representative of the diversity of local characteristics in an area affected by a planning document - Organise a participatory process that allows a diversity of viewpoints to be expressed and collective proposals to be drafted
Create conditions for soft mobility
Implement policies that encourage sustainable and active public transport (bicycles and pedestrians). Improve the urban network by developing more safe, well-ordered and attractive spaces to encourage soft mobility.
Climate financing
Create tax incentives for companies that adopt sustainable practices. Establish financial mechanisms to support the transition in developing countries and vulnerable communities. Strengthen international climate finance mechanisms.
User Experience Survey